
Mouse/Rabbit PolyDetector Plus AEC HRP Red

SKU: 4dd98a2c648d Category:


IHC of bcl-6 Rabbit Monoclonal on FFPE Tonsil Tissue (AEC HRP Red)


ICH of Ki-67 Rabbit Monoclonal on FFPE Melanoma Tissue (AEC HRP Red)


IHC of CK10 on FFPE LSIL Cervix Tissue (AEC HRP Red)
Specification Sheets
Safety Data Sheet


Intended UseFor In Vitro Diagnostic Use
Summary and ExplanationThe Mouse/Rabbit PolyDetector Plus HRP AEC System is a non-biotin, 3-step polymeric detection system that allows for the demonstration of antigens in paraffin-embedded tissue, cryostat sections, blood smears, cytosmears, and cell preparations. The PolyDetector PLUS kits ensures consistent and reproducible immunostaining for all types of nuclear, cytoplasmic and membranal antigens, in different types of tissues.

The increased sensitivity of the Mouse/Rabbit PolyDetector Plus HRP/AEC Detection System allows for rapid staining procedures without compromising stain quality. The Mouse/Rabbit PolyDetector Plus HRP/AEC Detection System is suitable for use with mouse IgG and IgM and rabbit primary antibodies, both monoclonal and polyclonal. The Mouse/Rabbit PolyDetector PLus HRP/AEC Detection System kits are optimized for use with Bio SB primary antibodies; however, they are universal kits and therefore work equally well with prediluted and concentrated antibodies from different vendors.

PresentationThe Mouse/Rabbit PolyDetector Plus HRP/AEC Detection System contains a Peroxidase Blocker solution, an Anti-Mouse/Rabbit Horseradish Peroxidase solution, and AEC (Ready-to-Use). All the components are buffered with stabilizers and a non-azide anti-microbial.
BSB 0258SMouse/Rabbit PolyDetector PLUS AEC HRP Red5.0 ml
BSB 0258Mouse/Rabbit PolyDetector PLUS AEC HRP Red15.0 ml
BSB 0260Mouse/Rabbit PolyDetector PLUS AEC HRP Red50.0 ml
BSB 0262Mouse/Rabbit PolyDetector PLUS AEC HRP Red100.0 ml
BSB 0264Mouse/Rabbit PolyDetector PLUS AEC HRP Red200.0 ml
BSB 0266Mouse/Rabbit PolyDetector PLUS AEC HRP Red1000.0 ml

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