
IgD – RMab

3. IHC of IgD on a FFPE Tonsil Webpage

IHC of IgG on an FFPE Tonsil Tissue

Specification Sheets
Safety Data Sheet
Intended UseFor In Vitro Diagnostic Use
Summary and Explanation

IgD makes up about 1% of proteins in the plasma membranes of immature B-lymphocytes (coexpressed with IgM) and is also found in serum in very small amounts. It is monomeric and incorporates the alpha-heavy chain in its structure. IgD’s function is currently unknown, as mice lacking IgD seem to retain normal immune responses (implying redundancy if not lack of function), and IgD ceases to be expressed in activated B-lymphocytes. It may function as a regulatory antigen receptor.

IgD antibody reacts with surface immunoglobulin IgD delta chains. This antibody is useful when identifying Leukemias, Plasmacytomas, and B-cell lineage derived from Lymphomas, specifically Marginal Zone Lymphoma.

Antibody TypeRabbit MonoclonalCloneEP173
IsotypeIgGReactivityParaffin, Frozen
LocalizationCytoplasmicControlTonsil, Lymph Node, Spleen
PresentationIgD is a rabbit monoclonal antibody derived from cell culture supernatant that is concentrated, dialyzed, filter sterilized and diluted in buffer pH 7.5, containing BSA and sodium azide as a preservative.
Catalog No.Antibody TypeDilutionVolume/QTY
BSB 2957PredilutedReady-To-Use3.0 ml
BSB 2958PredilutedReady-To-Use7.0 ml
BSB 2959PredilutedReady-To-Use15.0 ml
BSB 2960Concentrated1:50-1:2000.1 ml
BSB 2961Concentrated1:50-1:2000.5 ml
BSB 2962Concentrated1:50-1:2001.0 ml
BSB 2963Control Slides5
Note: For concentrated antibodies, please centrifuge prior to use to ensure recovery of all product.

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