
Helicobacter Pylori – RMab

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HPY RMab 40X 1EGB03 4 1 H pylori

IHC of Helicobacter pylori on an FFPE Infected Stomach Tissue

United States
Research Use
Safety Data Sheet
Control Slides
Intended UseAnalyte-Specific Reagent
Summary and Explanation

Helicobacter pylori is a helix-shaped Gram-negative bacterium about 3 μm long with a diameter of about 0.5 μm. It is microaerophilic; that is, it requires oxygen, but at lower concentration than is found in the atmosphere. It contains a hydrogenase which can be used to obtain energy by oxidizing molecular hydrogen (H2) produced by intestinal bacteria. It produces oxidase, catalase, and urease.  H. pylori has four to six lophotrichous flagella; all gastric and enterohepatic Helicobacter species are highly motile owing to flagella. H. pylori’s helical shape (from which the genus name is derived) is thought to have evolved to penetrate the mucoid lining of the stomach. Strains of H. pylori that produce high levels of two proteins, vacuolating toxin A (VacA) and the cytotoxin-associated gene A (CagA), appear to cause greater tissue damage than those that produce lower levels or that lack those genes completely.

Antibody TypeRabbit MonoclonalCloneEP279
IsotypeIgGReactivityParaffin, Frozen
LocalizationCell WallControl

Helicobacter pylori Infected Stomach Mucosa

PresentationAnti-H. Pylori is a rabbit monoclonal antibody derived from cell culture supernatant that is concentrated, dialyzed, filter sterilized and diluted in buffer pH 7.5, containing BSA and sodium azide as a preservative.
Catalog No.Antibody TypeDilutionVolume/QTY
BSB 3279PredilutedReady-To-Use3.0 ml
BSB 3280PredilutedReady-To-Use7.0 ml
BSB 3281PredilutedReady-To-Use15.0 ml
BSB 3282Concentrated1:50-1:2000.1 ml
BSB 3283Concentrated1:50-1:2000.5 ml
BSB 3284Concentrated1:50-1:2001.0 ml
BSB 3285Control Slides5
Note: For concentrated antibodies, please centrifuge prior to use to ensure recovery of all product.

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