
hCG – MMab

HC of hCG on an FFPE Placenta Tissue

IHC of hCG on an FFPE Placenta Tissue

United States
Research Use
Safety Data Sheet
Intended UseFor In Vitro Diagnostic Use
Summary and ExplanationHuman chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a peptide hormone produced in pregnancy, made by the embryo soon after conception and later by the syncytiotrophoblast. Its role is to prevent the disintegration of the corpus luteum of the ovary and thereby maintain progesterone production that is critical for a pregnancy in humans. hCG may have additional functions; for instance, it is thought to affect the immune tolerance of the pregnancy. Early pregnancy testing generally is based on the detection or measurement of hCG. hCG antibody detects cells and tumors of trophoblastic origin such as Choriocarcinomas. Large Cell Carcinoma and Adenocarcinoma of the Lung demonstrate hCG positivity in 90% and 60% of cases respectively. 20% of Squamous Cell Lung Carcinomas are positive for hCG. hCG expression by non-trophoblastic tumors may indicate aggressive behavior since it has been observed that hCG may play a role in the host response to a given tumor.
Antibody TypeMouse MonoclonalCloneBSB-38
IsotypeIgG1/KReactivityParaffin, Frozen
LocalizationCytoplasmicControlNormal Pituitary
PresentationhCG is a purified immunoglobulin fraction of rabbit antiserum that is filter sterilized and diluted in buffer pH 7.5, containing BSA and sodium azide as a preservative.
Catalog No.Antibody TypeDilutionVolume/QTY
BSB 5596PredilutedReady-To-Use3.0 ml
BSB 5597PredilutedReady-To-Use7.0 ml
BSB 5598PredilutedReady-To-Use15.0 ml
BSB 5599Concentrated1:250-1:10000.1 ml
BSB 5600Concentrated1:250-1:10000.5 ml
BSB 5601Concentrated1:250-1:10001.0 ml
BSB 5602Control Slides5
Note: For concentrated antibodies, please centrifuge prior to use to ensure recovery of all product.

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