
EpCAM/Epithelial Specific Antigen – MMab

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IHC of EpCAM on an FFPE Colon Carcinoma Tissue

IHC of EpCAM on an FFPE Colon Carcinoma Tissue

Specification Sheets
Safety Data Sheet
Intended UseFor In Vitro Diagnostic Use
Summary and ExplanationEpithelial Cell Adhesion Molecule (EpCAM) or Epithelial Specific Antigen is a 40kD cell surface antigen that is broadly distributed in epithelial cells and displays a highly conserved expression in carcinomas. These glycoproteins are located on the cell membrane surface and in the cytoplasm of virtually all epithelial cells, with the exception of most squamous epithelia, hepatocytes, renal proximal tubular cells, gastric parietal cells and myoepithelial cells. However, focal positivity may be seen in the basal layer of squamous cell epithelium of endoderm (e.g., palatine tonsils) and mesoderm (e.g., uterine cervix). EpCAM expression has been reported to be a possible marker of early malignancy, with expression being increased in tumor cells, and de novo expression being seen in dysplastic squamous epithelium. Epithelial specific antigen has been known to play an important role as a tumor-cell marker in lymph nodes from patients with esophageal carcinoma. EpCAM can be used to distinguish among Basal Cell, Basosquamous Carcinomas and Squamous Cell Carcinomas of the skin.
Antibody TypeMouse MonoclonalCloneBer-EP4
IsotypeIgG1/KReactivityParaffin, Frozen
LocalizationCytoplasmicControlColon, Cervix, Salivary Gland, Pancreas, Breast, Thyroid, Liver, Adenocarcinomas
PresentationEpCAM is a mouse monoclonal antibody derived from cell culture supernatant that is concentrated, dialyzed, filter sterilized and diluted in buffer pH 7.5, containing BSA and sodium azide as a preservative.
Catalog No.Antibody TypeDilutionVolume/QTY
BSB 6275PredilutedReady-To-Use3.0 ml
BSB 6276PredilutedReady-To-Use7.0 ml
BSB 6277PredilutedReady-To-Use15.0 ml
BSB 6278Concentrated1:25-1:1000.1 ml
BSB 6279Concentrated1:25-1:1000.5 ml
BSB 6280Concentrated1:25-1:1001.0 ml
BSB 6281Control Slides5
Note: For concentrated antibodies, please centrifuge prior to use to ensure recovery of all product.

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