
Cytokeratin Oscar – MMab

CK Oscar MMabjpg

IHC of Cytokeratin Oscar on an FFPE Colon Carcinoma Tissue

Specification Sheets
Safety Data Sheet
Intended UseFor In Vitro Diagnostic Use
Summary and ExplanationAnti-Cytokeratin OSCAR is well-suited to distinguish Epithelial Carcinoma from Non-epithelial malignancies and is used to aid Epithelial Tumor classification. Anti-Cytokeratin OSCAR identifies a number of bands corresponding to cytokeratins 7, 8, 18 and 19 (additional bands – cytokeratins – may also be detected). This antibody has been used to characterize the source of various neoplasms and to study the distribution of keratin-containing cells in epithelia during normal development and during the development of epithelial neoplasms. In normal tissues, OSCAR is reactive with most epithelial types tested including bile ducts and hepatocytes in liver, bladder epithelium, breast ducts, bronchial epithelium, endometrium, follicular dendritic cells of lymph node and tonsil, intestinal epithelium of the stomach, duodenum, ileum, colon, rectum, pancreas, ovarian epithelium, pancreatic acini, pituitary acini, pneumocytes, prostate, thyroid and skin. In tumors, OSCAR is reactive with most Carcinomas including Breast, TCC, RCC, Lung, Endometrial CA, Prostate CA, Ovarian CA, HCC, Colorectal CA, Stomach CA and Thyroid CA. It is negative in certain normal tissues including brain, lymphocytes and all cells of hematolym-phoid origin, muscle, brain, nerves, endothelium and in certain tumors including Melanoma, Sarcoma, Lymphoma, PNET/Ewing’s and GIST. This antibody has shown high sensitivity in recognizing epithelial cells and carcinomas.
Antibody TypeMouse MonoclonalCloneOSCAR
IsotypeIgG2aReactivityParaffin, Frozen
LocalizationCytoplasmicControlBreast, Liver, Prostate, Colon, Skin, Stomach, Pancreas, Tonsil
PresentationCytokeratin OSCAR is a mouse monoclonal antibody derived from cell culture supernatant that is concentrated, dialyzed, filter sterilized and diluted in buffer pH 7.5, containing BSA and sodium azide as a preservative.
Catalog No.Antibody TypeDilutionVolume/QTY
BSB 6177PredilutedReady-To-Use3.0 ml
BSB 6178PredilutedReady-To-Use7.0 ml
BSB 6179PredilutedReady-To-Use15.0 ml
BSB 6180Concentrated1:50-1:2000.1 ml
BSB 6181Concentrated1:50-1:2000.5 ml
BSB 6182Concentrated1:50-1:2001.0 ml
BSB 6183Control Slides5
Note: For concentrated antibodies, please centrifuge prior to use to ensure recovery of all product.

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